Wednesday, October 11, 2006

My avatar

I just realized that I haven't really shown you what my avatar looks like. Sure, you can see it in my snapshots, but below is a better view of what my SL persona looks like ... currently. (I'm always looking for some new hair, clothes, jewelry, shoes, etc.) Ladies and gents, please meet ...
Katrina Sol


Anonymous said...

So what is the deal with these last names that they give you to choose from when you want to sign up? Do they have any significance? I don't want to end up part of some SL mafia family if I pick the wrong one...
- Matt

u2katrina said...

Hi Matt. I think they do that so that you can't (or are a lot less likely to) have a name in SL that is the same as your real name. And no, the names you have to pick from are not linked to specific avatar "families" -- you're not joining any SL mafia family. :P ~Kat