Monday, October 02, 2006

Happy Ramadan

Did you know that Muslims are right now celebrating their holy month of Ramadan? Ramadan is considered by Muslims to be their holiest month, and they celebrate this by focusing the entire month on prayer, fasting, self-accountability, and charity. Ramadan is a time “for inner reflection, devotion to God and self control.” To my friends who are celebrating this holiday, I wish you and your family a very happy Ramadan.

This message is in direct response to the ignorant and hateful emails I’ve received recently from people who consider Muslims to be “the enemy” and/or bad people. This is an absurd, naïve, hateful opinion of people who are not willing to think for themselves and learn the truth. Just because your favorite talking head on tv or your minister or your spouse says that one thing is true does not mean it is. Find out for yourself.


Anonymous said...

I've known enough Muslims in my life to know that most are peaceful, honorable human beings. But I would also submit to your list of "people spewing out hate speeches that we should not listen to" the following categories: mullahs, imans, and regime talking heads. Now, I know that most Muslim leaders promote peach, but there are many vocal ones that spew out more hateful speeches than anything I've heard from our government or mis-informed churches. Just find the president of Iran's blog, or any Al Queda backed web site. I've been to four different countries in the Middle East, and had a great time in all of them. I would go back in a heart beat if I had the chance. But I also met people on the streets of these countries that labeled me the enemy just because I was Amercia. So I think hate speech and lumping everyone into one category as "the enemy" is a worldwide problem, not just an American problem.

As much as I love Muslims, and as much as I hate lumping all Muslims together as "the enemy," I do have to say that everything that happens in American that is anti-Muslim pales in comparison to what happens in any one Muslim country to anyone that is non-Muslim. 14,000 people die every year in Muslim countries because they speak up against the government in some way. I've been to those countries, and those numbers are way under reported. Now, realize, it is the government that does this, not the people. And the government of these countries usually do not represent the opinion of most of the people. Otherwise they would not be called "regimes." :)

Anyway, all that to say, I agree with you in that people should stop being ignorant and hateful, I just want to expand the scope of that statement to include all people of all religions world wide.

- Matt

Anonymous said...

You know, I've wondered if maybe it boils down to people in the "West" becomeng more and more insensitive or brash or just stupid. That anti-Muslim mentality has probably been there for a lot longer than even we know. I just wonder if 9/11 caused some hotheads in the West to just push the lines more than we used to. Take the Danish cartoons that were insulting to Mohammed. I even found those cartoons to be insulting. It's hard to believe that the guy who drew them was so stupid that he didn't think people would go balistic over it. So that just leaves him with just being so mean to do it anyway. I wonder if that is the problem - some people are just abusing their freedom of speech to just be mean for the sake of being mean. I guess they have the freedom to do that, but I also have the freedom to call it idiotic. Now, I also feel that the violence sparked by the cartoons were out of line big time, but that doesn't let the person who drew them (or the publiscations that published them) off the hook just because some reacted wrong to their publication. It was just wrong all the way around.

- Matt
(and betablogger STILL doesn't like to let me use my blogger ID to publish)