Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Firefox 2.0

If you haven't already done so, you need to upgrade to Firefox 2.0. (And if you haven't yet discovered Firefox, try it! You will never go back to IE!) They've made lots of of enhancements (to a browser that was already 10x better than IE), and the new tab functionality is great! Let me explain some of these new perks...
  • Any link that is set to open in a new window auto-opens in a new tab instead. (Yes, I know you could do that before in 1.5, but I'd never tried it. Love it!
  • Picture it: You have five tabs open (tabs 1, 2, 3, etc.). You're looking at tab #2. You click on a link, and it opens in a new tab (tab #6). You finish reading it, close the tab, and voila! You're back at tab #2! (In 1.5, after closing #6, you would have been looking at #5 instead of the original tab you came from. I *love* this feature.)
  • Picture it: You have a link to a .pdf or .doc file, and the link tag has the "target="_blank". Well, in 1.5, it would open a blank window, then on top of that, it'd open the document in Acrobat or Word (or whatever program). Well, 2.0 recognizes that it is an empty tab (since it auto-opens in a new tab instead of a new window) and closes it. So no extra empty tab! So smart!
  • If Firefox crashes, when you re-open it, it will ask you if you want to "restore session" (which opens up all the tabs you had open before it crashed) or "start a new session". Brilliant!
  • Spell-check while filling out forms!
Just a few of the really great updates to Firefox. And as before, you can add extensions for additional functionality and themes to change the look of your browser! I'm currently using:
Now, if only they'd update my Saferfox theme to work with 2.0, everything would be perfect. However, I'm enjoying looking at all the different themes available, including the appropriate Halloween theme.


Anonymous said...

So, I can't tell... do you like FireFox? Do you think it's any good?


Anyway, I also love FoxyTunes (puts some buttons in your browser that controls iTunes), and the HTML Validator gives me a great visual clue is my html code is xhtml valid. I also like my CSS/JS view-thingy (can't find the name for it) and VideoDownloader, the streamable music/video grabber.

- Matt

Matt C. said...

Found it - it's called JSView - lets you view external CSS and JS files. Pretty cool.