Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Watch out world - Roy's got a digital camera!

Roy's birthday is coming up (May 30), and last month I got him a digital camera. Now he's snapping pictures left and right. He's even created his own Flickr collection of photos. Below are some of my favorites. (As always, click the image to see a larger view.)

Do you Jaiku?

I posted recently on Edugeek Journal about Twitter vs. Jaiku, and I'm quickly moving over completely to Jaiku. Really nice functionality and just too easy to use and incorporate other feeds. I'm planning on putting a widget to this blog so you guys can get minute-to-minute updates on just what I'm up to ... b/c I'm sure you're just dying to know! :P

Can't Stop the Serenity - June 23!

Attention Browncoats in the DFW area! Be sure to pick up your "Can't Stop the Serenity" tickets soon! Your chance to enjoy "Serenity" on the big screen and support a charity all at the same time!

Catching up... March Dallas Comic Con

I have absolutely no excuse for not posting in such a long time. So, as I sit here at a Starbucks in the Austin Radisson hotel, I realize that I have internet connectivity and time to kill. So, let's catch up...

Back in March (I know, it's been too long...) I attended the Dallas Comic Con fan day, and there were several special guests that were of interest. I originally went to meet Morena Baccarin (Inara, from Firefly), but I ended up getting to meet some other actors. (It turns out I'm much more of a geek than I'd originally realized!)

Morena Baccarin - She was nice, but very rushed. Not nearly as cozy an experience as Ron Glass, but then again there were about 100 folks behind me in line, so I understand.

Clare Kramer - (Glory from "Buffy the Vampire Slayer") At that time, I hadn't yet seen Clare's character in "Buffy", but I decided to meet her and snap a picture b/c I knew I'd end up loving the character. And sure enough, now that I know who Glory is, I cannot believe I actually met her. She's such a funny/interesting/great character in the show. Anyway, she was incredibly nice!

Ernie Hudson - (Winston from "Ghostbusters") I couldn't resist getting my picture taken with a Ghostbuster! He was so incredibly nice, too. And it was cool seeing the various Ghostbuster fans walking around in full costume.

Walter Koenig - (Chekov from "Star Trek") Nice man. Made me realize just how long ago the Star Trek show and movies came out. He seemed very tired when I met him, but then the ST fans that were in the "line" were kind of ... fanatics... so I'd be tired too.

Peter Mayhew - (Chewbacca from "Star Wars") Nice man. It was the end of the day, and he was nice enough to smile for a quick picture as things were closing up.

Good times!