Monday, August 08, 2005

G'day, y'all!

So, Teresa and Mat made it to Texas just fine last Thursday evening. "G'day, y'all!"

Friday afternoon I took off from work so that I could spend time with the family, who had made the trek up from San Angelo to see Teresa and Mat. I left work at about noon and proceeded to spend over an hour on the roads trying to find 183. I was under the impression that 183 crosses 35E, but I was wrong. I ended up way down in Arlington, but anyway...

I met up with the family at the very nice Amerisuites, and since Teresa and Mat wanted to get cell phone service, we ended up at the Irving Mall. Mat had his first Taco Bell experience, which he seemed to enjoy. We found out little bits of interesting Aussie info, such as they don't have Fritos, corn bread, or Chick-fil-a over there. They *do* have this interesting burger option at their McDonald's called the McOz, which is basically a quarter pounder with a slab of beetroot on it. (Poor Mat had to spell out "beetroot" for me to understand what he was saying.) Interesting. I'll have to try it someday.

Lizzie had a good time at that mall. She tried on some cool baggy jeans at her favorite store - Hot Topic. I think she called them "trip pants". Then there was the T-Mobile sales-guy who was flirting with her. I had to keep an eye on that. :) She later found some windcatchers that were on sale for $1.09. For some reason, my Mom was having difficulty trying to decide color windcatcher to get.
Mom: Oh, I don't know - should we get the blue or green one?
Me: Mom, they're $1.09. You can get both if you want!

So, basically, we had a good time. Welcome to Texas, Mat. Welcome home, Teresa.

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