Monday, August 22, 2005

Brandon Flowers is a cutie!

Yes, ladies and gents, the Killers Concert last Wednesday was fabulous!!!! And I must say ... Brandon Flowers is such a cutie!

Vicki and I headed out to Nokia Theater after work last Wednesday, and after about 2hrs of fighting with traffic, we reached the venue with an hour to spare. We drive up to the theater parking and I immediately begin to notice that the average age of people walking through the lot was about a decade younger than my age. We enter the building and are immediately awarded each with a special GA Wristband, giving us access to the exclusive Pit. We walk further and further down the stairs past one set of security after another, and finally we emerge right in front of the stage. We immediately see fellow u2-fanatic pal Mary (aka crankypup on the mailing lists), and we position ourselves stage-left behind a couple of (thankfully) short young ladies. Fatima and Ryann (also fellow U2Texas mailing list fans) joined us soon after, and we were ready for some excitement.

The show opened with Louis XIV, a band I'd never heard of before but who were actually pretty good, even if the the bass player did just stand there in front of us and stare off into space. The music was good, and Vicki and I were impressed.

Finally, after a slightly extended intermission, with music by Julio Iglesias playing, the Killers finally took the stage. Very surreal. The show opened with an excellent Jenny Was A Friend Of Mine, and I was pleasantly surprised at how well this techno-ish music translated to stage. I absolutely loved every minute of it. Change Your Mind. Somebody Told Me. Mr. Brightside. I sang at the top of my lungs, danced in my crowded little bit of space, and just had a blast. Vicki's boppin' along beside me. Fatima is swooning over Brandon. Couldn't have been better. The concert wrapped up with my absolute favorite song off the album, All These Things That I've Done. Wow! Loved it!!!!

Read the Dallas Morning News review here.

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