Monday, November 06, 2006

World Trade Center in SL

Today, I came across a World Trade Center replica in Second Life, complete with an observation deck on floor 108. Below are some snapshots I took. Unfortunately, my snaps aren't that great b/c the building itself is huge, and I can only zoom out a certain amount. Anyway...


Matt C. said...

So, is that your avatar's new appearance? Like the red...

Nice way to pay tribute. I hope some crazy griever doesn't get a stupid idea....

u2katrina said...

Thanks! I found some new hair, and I had to change my outfit to go with it. ... Quit shaking your head. Ask Katie. She'll understand! :)

Yeah, I thought the building was pretty neat, too. After posting this, I found out that there is actually another tribute somewhere inworld, but I haven't yet found it. And yes, shortly after that one opened up last year, some stupid person added their own objects to the display.