Saturday, November 11, 2006

A bad day for Data

Too funny!


Frank said...

It would certainly explain the extreme security vulnerabilities the ship seemed to constantly fall prey to and the sporadic appearance of useful technology (like cameras for away-teams that only appear in a few episodes...

"Captain, the internal security cameras are offline until we can find new drivers...the last ones worked ok, but they conflict with the latest shield updates. And the new Norton Holodeck Security won't install until we get a patch. Sorry."

Matt C. said...

This brings up many comments:

"I guess that shoots all of the theories about Earth being a perfect Utopia in the Star Trek future if everything runs on Windows still."

"Man, even in the future Windows can't get it right.'

"Bill Gates' head is probably sitting in it's robotic body laughing at all of us even in the future."

u2katrina said...

*sigh* ah, my geeky friends. what would i do without you? :)

Frank said...


Gates' head is in a jar filled with a nutrient liquid, just behind Jonathan Frakes ("Yahoo, first row!")

Yes, Katrina, your friends are indeed geeks. Deal with it.