Wednesday, November 15, 2006

I am the Operative!

Wow! The last time I took a firefly personality quiz, I was Zoe. I sure have changed!!

You scored as The Operative.

You are dedicated to your job and very good at what you do. You've done some very bad things, but they had to be done. You don't expect to go to heaven, but that is a sacrifice you've made for a better future for all.

(Sorry about the scrolling. It's b/c I'm not cool enough to figure out style sheets for layout. Please scroll down...)

The Operative
69 %
Capt. Mal Reynolds
Zoe Alleyne Washburne

Hoban 'Wash' Washburne

Simon Tam
Shepherd Derrial Book
River Tam
Inara Serra
Kaylee (Kaywinnet Lee) Frye
Jayne Cobb

Click here to take the Firefly personality Quiz.



Matt C. said...

Doh - you were almost Mal. That would make you his perfect match! Which test did you take? I took the one on OkCupid, but it seems to be different. I was...


WASH: Pilot
You scored 70% roughness, 60% intelligence, and 16% isolated!

u2katrina said...

Doh! I forgot to include the url. Sorry about that. Go to to take the quiz. :)

And yeah -- I took the OkCupid one too several months ago, and I turned out to be Zoe. (Which means that I can definitely kick butt!) :P

Matt C. said...

Now this is funny. On this one:

You scored as Shepherd Derrial Book.

The Preacher. Out here, folks need a minister, if only to remind them that God hasn't forgotten them. It isn't about making them worship, it is teaching them to do right by themselves and other people. Why is that so hard for some to understand?

Shepherd Derrial Book 75%
Simon Tam 56%
Zoe Alleyne Washburne 50%
Kaylee (Kaywinnet Lee) Frye 50%
Hoban 'Wash' Washburne 50%
Capt. Mal Reynolds 50%
River Tam 44%
Inara Serra 31%
The Operative 31%
Jayne Cobb 13%

Can I get an amen?

Frank said...

I'm Wash...which is appropriate, because he WAS my favirite character before Joss "I've got to make it gritty and dramatic" KILLED him in a cheap move to avoid sequels. Not that I'm still pissed or anything.

Christine said...

How great is this! I am Cap. Mal Reynolds! Can you believe that??! I just want to do the job, get paid, and keep flyin. And that's a qoute. How funny. Second comes three (I tied for these three), Zoe, Simon and Shepard. I always thought I was more like Inara, but guess not. How do you find this stuff?!
