Saturday, May 27, 2006

Kimbell Museum & Sundance Square

Today ended up being a very beautiful, fun day. It just seemed too pretty outside to stay in, so Roy and I headed over to the Kimbell Art Museum over in Fort Worth. One of my co-workers back at UTA had mentioned to me back then that she highly recommended it, and so it's been on my to-do list for a while now. Below are some highlights (for me) from the collections.

Click on the images to see more info from the Kimbell's site.

The Cardsharps
I just liked this painting b/c it's funny. You see "the dupe" looking at his cards, while his opponent fiddles with the hidden cards he has stuffed behind him. Meanwhile, his accomplice looks over the dupe's shoulder.

Saint Sebastian Tended by Irene
I loved the light in this painting. There is a candle right in the middle of the figures, and the shadows and reflections are perfect. You can even see the reflection of the candle on her fingernails.

Portrait of a Woman, probably Isabella d'Este
The actually person this statue is of is what I found interesting. Isabella was a wealthy woman in Renaissance Italy, and she was known to commission several of the day's most famous artists, including Leonardo Da Vinci. The way they determined who this sculture was is they compared it with the other artwork she had of that time.

Round Dish with Pommel Scrolls
This dish was really very beautiful. Unfortunately, neither the Kimbell's online photo nor the ones I tried to take really show its beauty. The artist layered black and red lacquer to create the design. The design is a beautiful combination of red, deep red, and black. If I could find a replica (for a decent price, of course) I'd buy it.

The Three Stars of Happiness, Wealth, and Longevity
I just really liked this hanging scroll of the three stars. You saw them in other pieces at the museum, each individually.

And of course, I had my camera with me, although I didn't take it into the museum. Instead, I captured shots while we were outside walking around the museum, then later as we wandered around Sundance Square.

Click on the images below to see the entire set


Anonymous said...


If you click back and forth on the angel pixx, she seems like she is dancing.

But then again, it could just be that I am imagining things ;0)

u2katrina said...

Hehehe.... why yes. Yes, she does look like she's dancing! Funny!