Saturday, February 25, 2006

Episode 6 is up (finally)!

Episode 6 of The IT Crowd is up ... finally! Enjoy!
Go here:

Aunt Irma Visits
The arrival of Jen's "lady time of the month" has unexpected consequences for the office. Jen's in a bad mood, Moss feels weird, Roy bursts into tears, and even Richmond's been feeling gloomy. The only cure is to have a big girly night out with scented candles and Dirty Dancing saves the day, before cutting a rug at the office party...

1 comment:

Frank said...

The DRM/regional restrictions they used worked so well that it took almost 4 hours before the episode ended up on the web...why did they think they could restrict the show when its target audience are the very people who can crack it in their sleep?

More to the point, why are they restricting/DRMing it at all? They should be selling merchandise...I'd buy the monkey poster in a heartbeat.