Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Stormy weather!

Howdy y'all!

Roy and I were able to make it to the beach for a few hours this afternoon. It's been a long time since I've been in the ocean. We also took a ****long****, treacherous walk out to the very end of a jetty. It was fun, but (clumsy me) I slipped a couple of times, but I managed to not crack my head on the rocks.

Just as we were walking back, it started to rain ... slowly at first, then harder. By the time we (and about 100 other cars) got to the ferry, it was POURING! So, what lesson have we learned? When you're on an island and you see stormy weather in the distance, it might be a good idea to head for the ferry!

While on the beach, instead of using my digital camera, we used one of those disposable waterproof cameras, so those pictures will be posted when we get them developed and scanned. But I did get some pictures of the stormy weather and the flooding on our way back to the hotel. Enjoy!

Tomorrow's plans: Visit a museum and an aquarium!

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