Thursday, November 10, 2005

U2 Report (Initial Post)

Ok, I know this post is *way* overdue!! I'm sorry!! I came back and just was swamped with work and classes finishing up.

Anyway, the concerts were MAGNIFICENT!!!! Houston was amazing -- we were front and center (thanks to Chris) right in front of Bono!!! Dallas was wonderful, dancing like a fool in the back open area of the floor.

More details coming soon ... I promise!! For now, I've scanned in my initial set of photos of pictures of us before the concert. Below is the link. Let me know if you have any problems with the link -- I'm still trying to figure out Flickr.


Christine said...

Good shots, Kat! I was wondering when you were going to post. I knew you'd have a great time. Were you able to sneak the camera in again to get pics inside the concert?
Hope to hear from you soon!


Anonymous said...

Funny Flash Bono Video

Anonymous said...

Hi, Katrina,

I saw how you waited outside of the concert. But I didn't see what's inside yet. Could you post some pics inside, please.....?

Your buddy,