Tuesday, April 05, 2005


A couple of weeks ago, I went in to get allergy testing done, mostly b/c since we have moved here, I've had a really hard time wearing my contacts. I wake up every night b/c my eyes are itching so badly I can't go back to sleep. Plus, during the daytime, my eyes are just so dry, no matter how much I put drops in them.

So, I go in and they draw my blood, and I wait the couple of weeks for the results. Well, the time finally comes, and one of the first things the nurse says to me is "You sound a lot healthier than you should." It turns out that I'm severely allergic to ... well ... pretty much everything. All the pollens. All the weeds. All of the trees ... except maples.

So, on Thursday, I begin taking weekly allergy shots. Two shots per week, to be exact. It turns out that there's just too much to put in one bottle of serum, according to the nurse. After a year, the nurse says they'll train me on how to give myself my own shots. At first this really made me feel like I'm getting old, but as my very wise pal Vicki puts it, "At least you're not shopping for caskets."

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