Friday, July 11, 2008

It's a conspiracy against Mexicans!

  • First it was tomatoes that had salmonella. Ok. Everyone eats tomatoes.
  • Then yesterday they announced they're investigating jalapenos b/c of strong suspicion that they have salmonella as well. Eyebrows were raised.
  • And this morning, they announce that now cilantro is suspected to have salmonella!
If tomorrow they announce that avocados have salmonella, it'll be official ....

It's a conspiracy against Mexicans!! (As a Mexican, myself, I'm terrified!) Well... and against Mexican restaurants and people in general living in southwestern states.

And interestingly, reports are finding that the highest number of outbreaks of salmonella are happening in Texas and New Mexico. ... YA THINK?!?!

(I kid you not. All of this has been reported this morning and yesterday on NPR!)

1 comment:

Matt C. said...

That is a little too co-incidental.... And annoying! Or maybe it's some kind of anti-salsa league of super villains (tomatoes + peppers + cilantro + a few other ingredients makes one flavor of killer salsa!). Taking out our salsa is pure evil, pure evil....