Thursday, September 20, 2007

It's a...

...BABY!!!! A very shy baby. A baby who kept its legs crossed at the ankles the entire sonogram. My new name for the baby? The Stinker! ;D

Ah well. My shopping spree will have to wait. We'll have another try on October 16th, when they do another sonogram to re-check the umbilical cord. This sonogram was amazing, though -- we saw a close-up of the baby's heart, the spine, the face, feet, its little rump, stomach, bladder, cute little button nose. It's a healthy, wonderful baby ... but still a stinker!!

We were able to record the sonogram again this time, so I'll digitize the video tomorrow if our studio is available, and I'll post it tomorrow evening.

So, we have a little less than four weeks to go before we get another chance to see what this baby is. Wish us luck!!

1 comment:

Christine said...

Aww, shucks! The one suggestion I have been told always works, caffeine. Especially if you've been avoiding it. EVERYONE I know drinks a soda right before their sono and it works. Don't know if you tried it, but that's what I've been told.
Will keep my fingers crossed for you next month.